Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Streaker Ramblings - Freeman Iceberg Races 7 & 8 - 25/11/2012

It had rained in the night and the wind was still whistling around our ‘Penthouse’  bedroom in Hangleton and Windguru was forecasting force 6 to 7 for the day. The journey to Piddinghoe was therefore more in hope than anger. On arrival, although there were streaks of wind across the Pond, it did not seem to be too bad so rigging commenced.
Chris Turner, Ro for the morning, had set up a figure of eight course. Starting from a ‘Committee Boat' line - and mark mid way up the eastern side - there was a beat to the twin buoys just off the clubhouse. The next leg was a very broad reach/run down the southern side to a mark south west of the Island. It was then back northwards to the top corner on a close reach followed by a very short run to the start mark.
Just before the start, with most of the boats already on the water it began to rain, gradually getting heavier and heavier until it was tipping it down. Very quickly the rain turned to Hail and visibility went to near zero. The committee boat was quickly up anchored to deal with several capsizes – some five boats were on their side at one point. Once all had been ‘safely gathered in’ the C/B re anchored and the start sequence began.
Of the original seventeen boats on the water twelve began the race with Paul Ryan(Full rig Laser - Hardway SC) first off the mark with Jonty Freeman (Radial Laser – NSSC)  almost alongside and Alan Simmons (Streaker- Lancing SC) a little behind. It was blowing a good force 4 to 5 with frequent heavy and shifty gusts and by the end of the first lap Paul.R was ahead of Jonty.F by some 39 seconds with Alan.S a minute or so behind Paul.R but 20 seconds ahead of Michal Veale and Mike Rosier (RS 200- NSSC). The Toppers of Louis Gorringe and Tim Cox (both NSSC) were uncomfortably close behind. Ellie Wilding (Laser 4.7 – NSSC) was struggling after a capsize which left her mast head in the pond mud (for all to see).
Mid way through lap two Paul.R managed to capsize at the gybe mark by the Island – he reckoned the water was ‘blooming cold’-  thus letting Jonty.F and Alan.S by. Jonty.F was far enough away that Paul.R was unable to catch him before the end of the race. Ian Lambert (Laser Radial- NSSC) also capsized during this lap and although assisted by the safety boat ended up on the eastern shore in the reeds and when finally recovered decided to head back ashore without any further racing in this or the subsequent race.
Tim.C passed Louis G as did Darren Field (Topper – NSSC) in lap two – about the busiest lap – with a further capsize by Dan Ford and Declan Davies (Magno – NSSC) ending their race by retiring in lap 3. John Smith (Pico – NSSC) stayed in eigth position on the water until Ellie.W overtook him in lap 4 whilst QuentinThorp (Miiror – NSSC) who had originally intended to have his son Jasper crewing gamefully battled round, single handed, in last place. At the finish the top four faster boats were, in order,  Jonty.F, Paul.R, Alan.S  and Michael.V but after the handicaps were worked out Tim.C was 1st, Jonty.F 2nd, Darren.F 3rd and Louis. G was 4th
For race two the course was held the same with another Committee boat start and in similar gusty, variable direction breezes.. This time there were ten starters, Ian.L and Dan.F having retired ashore. Yet again it was the same three first off the blocks, Paul.R then Jonty.F and Alan.S. By the end of the first beat the order was as at the  start and by the end of the lap Paul.R was leading Jonty.F with Alan.S next and Michael V in 4th spot .Tim.C led the next group ahead of Ellie.W, Loius.G and Darren.F. Bringing up the rear were John.S ahead of QuentinT.
The order at the end of the second lap remained the same for the everyone but in lap three there was a change at the front when Jonty.F overtook Paul.R – it was about this time that Paul.R went flat at the gybe again. Further down the field Ellie.W passed Tim.C thus taking 5th spot on the water and Darren.F overtook Louis.G. John.S and Quentin.T stayed relative to one another throughout  the race. In lap 5 Paul got back past Jonty.F (with no room at the mark) at the windward mark. Apart from that there was no change of position for the rest of the fleet. In the final lap Jonty.F had re-passed Paul.R and held the lead to the finish with Alan.S just remaining ahead of Michael.V. Once more the Handicaps, when worked out, gave overall 1st place to Tim.C with Darren.F 2nd, Jonty.F 3rd and Louis.G  at 4th.
Alan S did not exactly cover himself in glory with two 5th places but he did stay upright - unlike Paul.R whom he beat in both races. For the full results – of these races and the series – click the following link:- http://www.nssc.org.uk/results/2012/freemaniceberg.htm
Alan.S 1700

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