Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Streaker Ramblings – Elford Numbum Race 8 -26.02.2012

Yet again a nice clear blue sky – well just a tiny few wispy white bits – bright sunshine and warm with it, breeze however there was none, on the way to Piddinghoe this Sunday morning.
Shortly after arrival a very light breeze started, blowing from the north east. As a consequence Kay, the R.O., set the course with an itnitial beat to the north corner followed by a jybe and run/reach back towards the middle of the south side. After another gybe there was another beat to a mark just north of the island, behind the island and then off up the south side to the start mark off the clubhouse.
In all twelve boats went afloat and were all moving reasonably well until the start sequence began. What little breeze there was (perhaps force 1) then evaporated and whilst all managed to start they then almost all stopped, any zyphyr very difficult to discover.
At the gun the lead boat was Laurence Venus (Streaker, NSSC) close to the pin end with Michael Veale and Mike Rosier (RS200, NSSC) next then Paul Ryan (Laser full rig, Hardway) inshore of these two. Alan Simmons (Streaker, Lancing SC) was stuck behind several others in about 7th place across the line.
That first leg was exceedingly long, in terms of time, as all searched for enough breeze to carry them forward. Laurence.V was first to get to the mark and tack onto Port but Paul.R came in on Starboard with more momentum, touched boats and then led off on the next leg leaving Laurence to do his 720° turn. Jonty Freeman (Laser Radial, NSSC) and Matt Springhall (Laser full rig, NSSC) were both up in the leading pack and Alan.S eventually found a bit of puff to pull up to 5th on the water by the end of the first lap.

Laurence having done his turns proceeded to find a bit of puff to round the mark to the south of the island and leave every one else in the lurch although it did take him nearly 22 minutes to complete that first lap.
By the end of lap two Alan.S had managed to pass both Matt.S and Jonty.F to move into third spot on the water whilst Laurence had disappeared over the horizon in front of second place Paul.R. Next up, in 6th place was Michael.V with Julian Dobson (Laser full rig, NSSC) some 10 minutes behind and just behind Jack Turner and girl friend (Laser II, NSSC) then came a gaggle of Lasers – Roger McALL (Pevensey Bay SC), Bill Wates (NSSC) and Andrew (NSSC) with Dan Ford (NSSC) gallantly sailing single hand in the Magno bringing up the rear.
In lap three there was little change except that Roger.Mc overtook Julian.D and Andrew came home a good bit ahead of Bill.W There was no place changing in the leading five boat although there was a brief increase in the wind strength – up to force 3 even and warranting sitting out – it did not last more than a minute or two.

In the final lap, and the later stages therof, Alan.S passed Paul.R to take second spot and closed up a fair bit on Laurence.V whilst Michael.V just got past Jonty.F but was unable to catch Matt.S.
With the handicaps worked out Laurence.V was the winner of the race and the series too, with four wins, having just pipped Alan.S - second in this race and in the series. Whilst only 6th in this last race Michael. V held on to take third overall in the series.

Results Race 8 (unchecked, unapproved) :-
1st. Laurence Venus, 2nd. Alan Simmons, 3rd. Paul Ryan, 4th.Matt Springhall, 5th.Jonty Freeman, 6th. Michael Veale, 7th. Roger McAll, 8th. Julian Dobson, 9th. Andrew, 10th. Jack Turner, 11th. Bill Wates, 12th. Dan Ford.
Series Results – Elfords Numbum 2012 - (unchecked, unapproved) :-
1st. Laurence Venus, 2nd. Alan Simmons, 3rd Michael Veale, 4th. Paul Ryan, 5th. Roger McAll, 6th. Jack Turner, 7th. Bill Wates, 8th. Chas Humphries, 9th. Matt Springhall, 10th. Dan Ford, 11th. Julian Dobson, 12th.Darren Field, 13th Steve Duncan.
For full results go to:-http://www.nssc.org.uk/results/2012/elfordnumbumseries2012.htm

Contrary to remarks overheard earlier in the year about strong winds this series was held in predominantly light airs – Laurence.V missed out only two of the possible six races one of which was won by Alex Mills Barton and the other by Alan.S – when all the top boys retired or were disqualified. Alan sailed in all six races and apart from the race specified above took second place in all the remaining five.
Alan.S 1700

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